


Resource TypePosted On
To calculate the time difference between two daysFeb 20
type casting /converting seconds to a days hours minutes seconds Jan 18
Time Difference for Page Creation timeJul 21
Calculating Time in parts of an hourNov 26
find the number of working days (monday to firday) between two giveNov 15
help: Difference between two arraysMar 01
Time difference calculations across midnightFeb 18
Finding difference in timeSep 10
return time in seconds in VBA?Sep 07
Time capture of less than one secondJan 22
Last record is repeated two timesDec 10
Can't play two multimedias at the same time. Dec 14
when i press the menu->display time the time must updates every second.May 22
write a program that enters double data into an ArrayList and calculate the tota...Sep 02
Calculate Total SumNov 04
How to calculate IRRMay 07
Excel won't calculate my functionOct 13
Easier method to capture & paste calculated value?Sep 21
Calculating the no. of containersFeb 07
Calculating durationDec 02
Convert string like "=123+456+789" to Long and then calculateAug 31
Application.Calculate failsSep 30
Calculate fields (Pivot Tables)Nov 30
calculating 'names' of text boxes in a formNov 01
Calculating values in VBDec 13
2003 - ActiveSheet.Calculate ProblemJan 30
Display character which appears number of time equal half of maximum timeDec 05
Calculating RatiosDec 01
Convert string like "=123+456+789" to Long and then calculateAug 14
calculate MeanJul 03
calculating area of a regular polygonNov 26
calculate ageNov 27
Calculate pH of RainwaterSep 21
calculate area Oct 17
Selected links on a rainy day Dec 26
Need Help - Day SchedulerAug 19
Highlighting a row on selection of day in calendarMar 30
julian day numberAug 05
first day of next yearSep 24
Perform same task every day at same time automatically?Feb 23
Differences from older versions of EXCEL/VBANov 18
Difference between vba.round and application.roundJan 02
Is there a difference between vba.round and application.roundMar 09
Difference between servlet and JSP?Sep 07
Differences between Access to MySQL and Microsoft SQL ServerOct 20
difference between String and StringBuffer ObjectsJun 22
May I know the difference between Trusted and non Trusted applet Oct 01
Does anyone know the difference between a .class and a .exe file Apr 28
difference between ArrayList & Vector Apr 06
difference between strings, classes, and objectsSep 27